Видео+код: #2/13 THREEJS массив точек: широта, долгота
Статья создана:
Видео: 15 THREEJS координаты земли
урок 15 по Three JS / урок 13 по планете
Файлы из урока 13 по 3D планете
JS Код из видео (!на threejs-webpack-starter!)
import './style.css'
import * as THREE from 'three'
import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls.js'
import {BufferGeometryUtils} from 'three/examples/jsm/utils/BufferGeometryUtils'
import {TWEEN} from 'three/examples/jsm/libs/tween.module.min'
//import * as dat from 'dat.gui'
//const gui = new dat.GUI()
let o;
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
//scene.background = new THREE.Color('blue');
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, innerWidth / innerHeight, 0.01, 50);
camera.position.set(0, 10, 10);
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: true,alpha: true});
renderer.setSize(innerWidth, innerHeight);
renderer.setClearColor('#000', 0);
const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
controls.enablePan = true;
// our code
const group=new THREE.Group();// empty groupe for add all rotation object
const params = {
colors: {
base: "#ffffff",
gradInner: "#ff0022",
gradOuter: "#ff0000"
sizeOfPoints:.3,// FLOAT ONLY | MIN: 0.1 , MAX: 0.4
opacityOfOceanPoints:.1,// FLOAT ONLY ex. .1 | MIN: 0.1 - black, MAX: 0.9
countOfPoints:25000,// INT ONLY ex. 1000 - 40000
reset: ()=>controls.reset()
const maxImpactAmount = 1;
//const tmpFrom={lat:32.622876, lon:107.523152}//Китай
//const tmpTo={lat:-26.164493,lon:134.742407}//Австралия
const positions=[
{lat:32.622876, lon:107.523152},//FROM 1 China
{lat:-26.164493,lon:134.742407},//TO 1 Australia
{lat:7.466688, lon:19.987692},//FROM 2 // Central Africa
{lat:-15.860255, lon:-58.059177},//TO 2 // Central South America
{lat:48.358527, lon:-99.761561},//FROM 2 // South Amer
{lat:76.910298, lon:-40.348415},//TO 2 // Central South America
function isFloat(n){
return Number(n) === n && n % 1 !== 0;
throw new Error('Check positions array. The number of array elements is odd!')
const impacts = new Array();
const trails = new Array();
//const tweens = new Array();
let tmp=0,tmp1=0
const tweenGroup = new TWEEN.Group()
for(let i=0;i<positions.length/2;i++){
//console.log("FIRST FOR",positions[tmp1],positions[tmp1+1]);
throw new Error('Check positions lat OR lon!')
const o=Object.create({
prevPosition: cTv(positions[tmp1]),
impactPosition: cTv(positions[tmp1+1]),
impactMaxRadius: 5 * THREE.Math.randFloat(.2, .7),
impactRatio: 0,
trailRatio: {value: 0},
trailLength: {value: 0},
const g_=new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry(.1,.1,.1)
const m_=new THREE.Mesh(g_,
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:new THREE.Color(THREE.Math.randFloat(0, 1),THREE.Math.randFloat(.5,1),THREE.Math.randFloat(.5,1))})
const ppp=cTv(positions[tmp1+1])
// Wave
new TWEEN.Tween({ value:0},tweenGroup)
.to({ value: 1 }, THREE.Math.randInt(2500, 5000))
.onUpdate(val => {
o.impactRatio = val.value;
const path = trails[i];
const speed = 2;
const len = path.geometry.attributes.lineDistance.array[99];
const dur = len / speed;
new TWEEN.Tween({value: 0})
.to({value: 1}, dur * 1000)
.onUpdate( val => {
o.trailRatio.value = val.value;
// \ JFT
const uniforms = {
impacts: {value: impacts},
maxSize: {value: .04},
minSize: {value: .03},
waveHeight: {value: .125},
scaling: {value: 2},
gradInner: {value: new THREE.Color(params.colors.gradInner)},
gradOuter: {value: new THREE.Color(params.colors.gradOuter)}
/* tmp=0,tmp1=0
for(let i=0;i<positions.length/2;i++){
runTween: ()=> {
const path = trails[i];
const speed = 2;
const len = path.geometry.attributes.lineDistance.array[99];
const dur = len / speed;
const tweenTrail = new TWEEN.Tween({value: 0})
.to({value: 1}, dur * 1000)
.onUpdate( val => {
impacts[i].trailRatio.value = val.value;
} */
//tweens.forEach(t => t.runTween());
const dummyObj = new THREE.Object3D()
const p = new THREE.Vector3()
const sph = new THREE.Spherical()
const geoms = new Array()
const tex = new THREE.TextureLoader().load('/map.jpg',()=>{
// https://web.archive.org/web/20120107030109/http://cgafaq.info/wiki/Evenly_distributed_points_on_sphere#Spirals
const counter = params.mapPoints.countOfPoints
const rad = 5
let r = 0
const dlong = Math.PI * (3 - Math.sqrt(5))
const dz = 2 / counter
let long = 0
let z = 1 - dz / 2
for(let i = 0; i < counter; i++){
r = Math.sqrt(1 - z * z);
p.set( Math.cos(long) * r, z, -Math.sin(long) * r).multiplyScalar(rad);
z = z - dz;
long = long + dlong;
const g = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(2, 2);
g.translate(p.x, p.y, p.z);
const centers = [
p.x, p.y, p.z,
p.x, p.y, p.z,
p.x, p.y, p.z,
p.x, p.y, p.z
const uv = new THREE.Vector2(
(sph.theta + Math.PI) / (Math.PI * 2),
1. - sph.phi / Math.PI
const uvs = [
uv.x, uv.y,
uv.x, uv.y,
uv.x, uv.y,
uv.x, uv.y
g.setAttribute("center", new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(centers, 3));
g.setAttribute("bUv", new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(uvs, 2));
const g = BufferGeometryUtils.mergeBufferGeometries(geoms);
const m = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: new THREE.Color(params.colors.base),
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
onBeforeCompile: shader => {
shader.uniforms.impacts = uniforms.impacts;
shader.uniforms.maxSize = uniforms.maxSize;
shader.uniforms.minSize = uniforms.minSize;
shader.uniforms.waveHeight = uniforms.waveHeight;
shader.uniforms.scaling = uniforms.scaling;
shader.uniforms.gradInner = uniforms.gradInner;
shader.uniforms.gradOuter = uniforms.gradOuter;
shader.uniforms.tex = {value: tex};
shader.vertexShader = `
struct impact {
vec3 impactPosition;
float impactMaxRadius;
float impactRatio;
uniform impact impacts[${maxImpactAmount}];
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform float maxSize;
uniform float minSize;
uniform float waveHeight;
uniform float scaling;
attribute vec3 center;
attribute vec2 bUv;
varying float vFinalStep;
varying float vMap;
`#include <begin_vertex>`,
`#include <begin_vertex>
float finalStep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < ${maxImpactAmount};i++){
float dist = distance(center, impacts[i].impactPosition);
float curRadius = impacts[i].impactMaxRadius * impacts[i].impactRatio;
float sstep = smoothstep(0., curRadius, dist) - smoothstep(curRadius - ( 0.25 * impacts[i].impactRatio ), curRadius, dist);
sstep *= 1. - impacts[i].impactRatio;
finalStep += sstep;
finalStep = clamp(finalStep, 0., 1.);
vFinalStep = finalStep;
float map = texture(tex, bUv).g;
vMap = map;
float pSize = map < 0.5 ? maxSize : minSize;
float scale = scaling;
transformed = (position - center) * pSize * mix(1., scale * 1.25, finalStep) + center; // scale on wave
transformed += normal * finalStep * waveHeight; // lift on wave
shader.fragmentShader = `
uniform vec3 gradInner;
uniform vec3 gradOuter;
varying float vFinalStep;
varying float vMap;
`vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );`,
`// shaping the point, pretty much from The Book of Shaders
vec2 hUv = (vUv - .1);
int N = 8;
float a = atan(hUv.x,hUv.y);
float r = PI2/float(N);
float d = cos(floor(.5+a/r)*r-a)*length(hUv);
float f = cos(PI / float(N)) * .5;
//if (d > f) discard;
if (length(vUv - ${params.mapPoints.sizeOfPoints}) > ${params.mapPoints.sizeOfPoints}) discard;
vec3 grad = mix(gradInner, gradOuter, clamp( d / f, 0., 1.)); // gradient
vec3 diffuseMap = diffuse * ((vMap > .5) ? ${params.mapPoints.opacityOfOceanPoints} : 1.);
vec3 col = mix(diffuseMap, grad, vFinalStep); // color on wave
float opct=(vMap > .5)?${params.mapPoints.opacityOfOceanPoints}:1.;
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( col , opct );
m.defines = {"USE_UV":""};
o = new THREE.Mesh(g, m);
trails.forEach(t => group.add(t));
function makeTrail(idx){
const pts = new Array(100 * 3).fill(0);
const g = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
g.setAttribute("position", new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(pts, 3));
const m = new THREE.LineDashedMaterial({
color: params.colors.gradOuter,
transparent: true,
onBeforeCompile: shader => {
shader.uniforms.actionRatio = impacts[idx].trailRatio;
shader.uniforms.lineLength = impacts[idx].trailLength;
shader.fragmentShader = `
uniform float actionRatio;
uniform float lineLength;
`if ( mod( vLineDistance, totalSize ) > dashSize ) {
` float halfDash = dashSize * 0.5;
float currPos = (lineLength + dashSize) * actionRatio;
float d = (vLineDistance + halfDash) - currPos;
if (abs(d) > halfDash ) discard;
float grad = ((vLineDistance + halfDash) - (currPos - halfDash)) / halfDash;
`vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );`,
`vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, grad );`
const l = new THREE.Line(g, m);
l.userData.idx = idx;
setPath(l, impacts[idx].prevPosition, impacts[idx].impactPosition, 1);
// based on https://jsfiddle.net/prisoner849/fu59aved/
function setPath(l, startPoint, endPoint, peakHeight, cycles) {
const pos = l.geometry.attributes.position;
const division = pos.count - 1;
const cycle = cycles || 1;
const peak = peakHeight || 1;
const radius = startPoint.length();
const angle = startPoint.angleTo(endPoint);
const arcLength = radius * angle;
const diameterMinor = arcLength / Math.PI;
const radiusMinor = (diameterMinor * 0.5) / cycle;
const peakRatio = peak / diameterMinor;
const radiusMajor = startPoint.length() + radiusMinor;
const basisMajor = new THREE.Vector3().copy(startPoint).setLength(radiusMajor);
const basisMinor = new THREE.Vector3().copy(startPoint).negate().setLength(radiusMinor);
// triangle (start, end, center)
const tri = new THREE.Triangle(startPoint, endPoint, new THREE.Vector3());
const nrm = new THREE.Vector3(); // normal
// rotate startPoint around normal
const v3Major = new THREE.Vector3();
const v3Minor = new THREE.Vector3();
const v3Inter = new THREE.Vector3();
const vFinal = new THREE.Vector3();
for (let i = 0; i <= division; i++) {
const divisionRatio = i / division;
const angleValue = angle * divisionRatio;
v3Major.copy(basisMajor).applyAxisAngle(nrm, angleValue);
v3Minor.copy(basisMinor).applyAxisAngle(nrm, angleValue + Math.PI * 2 * divisionRatio * cycle);
v3Inter.addVectors(v3Major, v3Minor);
const newLength = ((v3Inter.length() - radius) * peakRatio) + radius;
pos.setXYZ(i, vFinal.x, vFinal.y, vFinal.z);
pos.needsUpdate = true;
l.geometry.attributes.lineDistance.needsUpdate = true;
impacts[l.userData.idx].trailLength.value = l.geometry.attributes.lineDistance.array[99];
l.material.dashSize = 7
//LESS 2-12
function cTv(coordObj={lat:48.5125,lon:2.2055}){//coordinates to vector | Default: Paris
const parisSpherical = {
lat: THREE.Math.degToRad(90 - coordObj.lat),
lon: THREE.Math.degToRad(coordObj.lon)
const radius = 5;// соответствует радиусу карты планеты
const vector=new THREE.Vector3().setFromSphericalCoords(
return vector
// \ LESS 2-12
// \ our code
window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize )
renderer.setAnimationLoop( () => {
// our code
group.rotation.y += 0.001
// \
renderer.render(scene, camera)
function onWindowResize() {
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
Расшифровка временных меток видео:
00:00 Ввод
01:04 Показываю и поясняю код
15:57 THREEJS TWEEN Group (анимация и группы Tween'ов)
16:46 Различные проверки
18:32 Немного переписал всё, убрав второй цикл for
24:25 Tween chain
26:14 JS рекурсия без рекурсии..
31:25 tweenGrop.update()
32:29 Выводы
34:15 Планы на ThreeJS планету..
35:23 Производительность при анимации CSS по сравнению с WEBGL
38:31 До скорых встреч